Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thank you friend

The joy and smile a friend can leave
Is the root of tranquility at its very seed

It is love that will show
The path and the road
And the care that we give
That will allow us to grow

Gifts from the heart without expectation
Are how we truly receive gratification

When peace is craved
Then purity is paved
And the roads are exposed
To the righteous way

Manifestations are when we become
But when we let dark in our minds
Our sights become numb

“Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free”

The language of love

We may not share all the same beliefs
But a look beyond shows the common peace
Thew level beneath is the path to the soul
Where spirit and truth shall start to unfold
Exposed are we when trust is allowed
But similarities connects us away from the crowd
For while eyes can be closed
Tongues can be tied
The language of love
Is one that wont hide


I've harvested pain, patience and hope
I've held my sorrows in tight with a rope
Wrapped is my neck, tied in a noose
Now is the time to cut myself loose
I was told once before just to let it all flow
But I've never believed in letting all go
When you love something so deep that you cannot have
Do you stop and just quit or continue to grab
Do we wait till we've lost and our time has elapsed
Or reap from the crops of instincts from the past

Monday, April 16, 2012


They say memory dissipates as time rolls on
But low do they know, age brings the wisdom
To categorize thoughts in arenas of importance 
Those who forget may be the happiest in life
Gliding through the world ignoring pain
After all, this is what so many try to achieve while
Sedating themselves and chasing dragons....
Even dragons that will not return
This is one of the biggest mysteries of life
We could spend our life times trying to forget and
then complain about it in our later years
What if we embraced life for all of its moments
Grasped onto every tear
Observed every fault and learned from every mistake
What if we used our sorrows to gain strengths
Eventually we would see beauty in everything
These traits are commonly overlooked while basking in
the relaxation of peace or resting on a pillow of tranquility
So to speak.
I encourage everyone to take pride in what they do
Admit faults to themselves and strive for forgiveness
Set goals and achieve them twice over
Resist the temptation to smirk in the presence of those you dislike
And remember those who love you
You always get what you put out.
Put out a bunch of negative energy and become very unhappy
Put out positive energy and fuel up on joy

Life is simple. Don't over-complicate it.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some Jumps (Transfer of energy)

Since Most of the readers here do not know me too well I have decided to start posting videos.
This is a test video - One of my talents :) THE JUMP - Enjoy!


There are people in life
Who climb to the top
Others will fall
Cheating the lot
It is a wonder per se
Why those are driven to lie
Speak with certainty
That seems solidified

Farfetched as it seems
There are few who lead
By example and way
Of truth and peace
But the masses wont see
Their eyes remain blind
Serpents have numbed them
To the truth of this kind

The snakes remain strong
Here on the earth
They forget about the future
And Reject rebirth
They laugh at the weak
While gathering their crop
But one day they'll cry
As they fall from the top

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


She had so many drafts
of how she would be
how she would live
who she'd set free
where she would walk
those she would kiss
paths she may cross
people she'd miss
But all of these drafts
of who she would be
did not intertwine
with reality
for lessons were learned
this beauty was taught
to reap what she's sown
cut what she's lost
Now one of these drafts
she did not delete
has left her perplexed
she cannot complete
even through her own words
she knows she cant change
whats past and whats done
so eager
she prays