Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I am the leader of the 40 thieves
The masters of mystery
Swiftly we vanish into the night
We thrive in the shadows
Absent of light
Away with control you'll watch as we take
As your beliefs start to fade and render as fake
Face us at once
 Show both of your hands
We shall search far and wide 
For one single brand
It appears angelic
Deceitful and bright
On horse so mighty
Not a taint in its white
Silhouette of a god
A heavenly sight
As it blinds all the fools
With rays of false light
But this being is darker than any of us thieves
For it shall take with your life 
The extent of your reach
And stitch from the core
Unto family
As into your soul
 He'll silently breach
This being is wanted
And hides in retreat
Rewards shall be granted
For sight of the beast
If this devil is crossed
Take refuge beneath
Dust off your lamp
And summon the thieves 

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